Happy Monday

Damburst of ideas, and the best part of a poem written first thing this morning, and the outline of another project down this afternoon. Slipped off to Sainsbury's to buy ingredients for supper, as Lorraine would be home quite early. Cooked sausages and a mash made from butternut squash, carrots and potatoes with a little parmesan grated into it, plus a gravy thick with leeks, onion and a smidge of chilli, served with peas. It was good comfort food for Lorraine who was feeling the Monday morning glums.

Off this evening to The Coopers Cask pub where The Shakespeare Trio were doing a full set. As well as Dipak and Richard, were Richard's wife Maria Grazia and Steve Cartwright. There was a good guitarist in support. They asked me to do a turn, so I read Revolution of the Eagles, and The Trojan, which were both heard attentively. Richard and Dipak were excellent, playing lots of new material. Beautiful fluent stuff, and particularly enjoying Dipak's languidly economical guitar style. Richard on fine form too, in good voice and playing excellently.

Below walked home from Hove and had two fox encounters. The second fox was utterly untroubled by me, and sat down obligingly in the middle of the road and let me take a few snaps of him.
