Sophie's party

Drove north with Lorraine through a hot central London to attend Sophie's party, while forcing her to listen to Chris Squire's mighty Fish out of Water as well as Amadou and Mariam's classic Dimanche à Bamako. Lorraine less keen on the 1970s prog for some reason.

We arrived at least two hours before the party started. As I had independently decided it started at 3 o'clock, rather than the actual start time of 8pm. Sophie and Andros kind enough to take this in their stride. But it gave me a chance to talk to Sophie's parents who also arrived early, and who I had not seen for about 25 years. Sophie's father almost completely unchanged. A splendid party and a few people I'd not seen for the same amount of time. Good to see Christof and Electra, Christof funny as ever, and Electra at 12 turning, seemingly overnight, into a young woman. Lots of lovely food too. Christof trying to make me do "the bear", which is some sort of impression I did several years ago, but apparently is still remembered fondly in North London.

Appallingly though, I failed to lock the door properly in the downstairs toilet. This was opened vigorously and I was displayed about my labours to half a dozen people nearby, a fact which, even as I type this, makes me want to bury my face in my hands and groan in horror.

I also drank too much, and discovered a bottle of ouzo towards the end of the night, which I persistently enjoyed. Lorraine then drove us to Mum and Mason's place, with me offering helpful directional advice and playing Chris Squire. Lorraine has the patience of a saint. Home to share various opinions with Mum and Mase before boofing into bed.


Hunter said…
I have just been doubled in laughter at the episode described in the penultimate paragraph. Hope you've recovered :-)