Spasms and spangles

Slept better, but woke up at 6am having a migraine spangles and agonising back spasms. I've had better starts to a day.

Still mustn't grumble, eh? A bit of an improvement, but still not fit for much. Microwaving a bean bag and using a TENS machine on my back. Pressing on a bit of writing in between feeling uncomfortable. Lorraine busy about the house, tidying and cooking and preserving aubergines and making cucumber pickle. 

Lorraine talked to Matt up in Yorkshire, and we are going to see him. Be lovely for us to catch up with Matt after several years.

Amanda finished today. She was so low maintenance and did a lovely job. Everything needs tidying up and sorting, but I can't move anything, and Lorraine is off to Ashford tomorrow.

Slept in our own bed tonight. Much easier to get in and out of luckily. We read some more of Wind in the Willows

Felt a bit like Job first thing this morning. 
