Humble and excellent

Now able to stand vertically for up to twenty minutes at a go. And walk about a bit with very few outbreaks of Tourettes. My shark mentality means if progress, even tiny progress, is being made I am happy. Standstill quickly leaves me suffocating and despondent. Although I learn only certain sharks needing to move to breathe. I did see photos of sharks dozing in cave once. But whale sharks, great whites and makos, for example, would die if they stopped.  

Watching Lorraine hefting things about in the houses was difficult, and she kept telling me off for trying to help. The bedroom is looking straighter now, and I was able to help in small ways. Makes me very happy to see Lorraine cheerfully thinking about stuff in the house. 

Mum off with Mason to the Waggon and Horses. Mason had got huffy with someone there, and for a while felt like boycotting the place. Luckily this seems to have passed, and they off to meet Robert. Meanwhile Anton has returned from a brief sojourn in Spain, a much needed break from working far too hard. 

Toby called and much excitement will be unleashed on an unsuspecting world next week. Talked briefly about the photo of our biological father I sent him a couple of weeks ago, as I'd forgotten to ask him what he thought. Tobs, always practical, just wanted to know what he had died of.

The news full of the death of Bobby Charlton. I can remember seeing him play on TV, and everyone saying how modest he was about his indisputably great talent. I always find it quite moving when people are humble about their own excellence. 
