Gold Sofa gets some love

Up early because Amanda the painting and decorating lady was here today to paint our front room.  Meanwhile I did a couple of hours editing on the podcast interview with Ian McMillan before I sent it towards Robin's ears this afternoon. 

Then off shopping with Lorraine in Seaford, buying some green candles to go in our red dining room, and a present for Penny and then going to the fabric shop with the long suffering Gold Sofa seat covers and arranging to have them refilled, at a fairly hefty cost -- but nothing compared to a new sofa.  I love my gold sofa. Then to walk by the sea, extremely hot for October, apart from it signalling the end of the world, it was rather lovely. 

 Then the supermarket. This new Zoe way of eating is weird, you don't get hungry but I find myself instead getting hangry and snappy if I haven't eaten. We got home at three and devoured smoked mackerel.  

Later Lorraine cooked a veggie lasagne, which included Kenny Farm harvests. We have moved our TV up into the guest room, and we sat on the bed this evening with the cats watching it. Astonishingly Chelsea won a game of Football tonight. 

Below Robert having a word with Calliope. 
