The Sussex Prairie Garden

A slow start, as is customary for us at the weekend.  Roused ourselves to be off early in the afternoon to pick up Janet and Ken and Lorraine drove us over the downs to The Sussex Prairie Garden, which is unexpectedly beautiful, decorated here and there with rusty profiles of buffalo. We walked to the gardens past a pen of two Gloucester Old Spots, and Ken told me, after snorting at them, that he had pigs when he was a lad and Digging for Victory. He was having a bit of trouble with his legs today, and we bought some tea and sat in the tea garden for a while, before Janet, Lorraine and I mooched about in the gardens for a while.  I loved the way it had been planted.

Janet and Lorraine having cryptic plant based conversations. Then back to see Ken, Janet chatting to a pal she met there, as well as the owner of the gardens. A very pleasant couple of hours. I wasn't sure about why the Prairie business, but Ken told me that it was also a term used in old English. 

Then back to Brighton, and home. Lorraine having to work on some spiteful reports. I did little, except cook and gird my loins for the World Cup Final which the Germans, unsurprisingly but deservedly, won. Interesting to see Angela Merkel dishing out hugs to the footballers - something really warm about that. I can't imagine Mrs Thatcher ever doing the same. 

And so to bed.

Below Lorraine and Janet wandering into the foliage discussing the finer points of planting. Other random iPhone snaps. I like, for obvious reasons, the big P.
