Brian in Brighton

An unhurried morning. I got up early and wrote before Lorraine was awake. All the driving had caught up with her.  Later I had chats with Mas and then Janet this morning. Deciding to go to the supermarket took some effort this afternoon.

Lorraine and I slipped off, after a cheeky gold sofa doze, for a nice evening with Anton and Brian coming down to the Hare and Hounds where we met them for a cheeky drink.

Because it was so noisy in the Hare and Hounds, we went across to Circus Circus and sat outside in the balmy summer heat and I diced with a gouty devil and had a couple of beer. Good to see a cheery well looking Brian, who we'd not seen since our wedding.  He had recently been to Japan so we compared notes. He found there were two Japanese people, the daytime ones and the nighttime ones.

Anton looking relaxed and sun-tanned from sitting on Brighton Beach, and reading (at last) the marvellous A Passage to India. Anton and I comparing photos of ourselves when we were about 20. Ah the black curly hair of youth. Brian said he would have done me, which was sweet. Lorraine said she would have done me too, which is just as well as she is my wife.

And so home, and after sprawling on the gold sofa, to bed and sleeping like a soporific log.
