The attractions of a Black Hole

Off to Lorraine's friend Carolyn who was hosting a coffee morning and art sale on behalf of Macmillan. Looked at her pictures, she is very good at detailed botanical work. There were a dozen or so ladies who'd worked in the upper echelons of Education or who still did, talking a good deal in the kitchen. I repaired into the garden after buying a cup of tea and a bit of blueberry cake and basked in the sun beside a little garden pond. Soon joined by two men with whom I happily discussed football, gardens and fishing until it was time to melt away again, with Lorraine having bought a picture of snowdrops.

Lorraine and I then then drove off to a Sussex Nature Conservation area, Burton Mill pond, and the Burton and Chingford ponds. Had an hour and a half walk through woods, and past swanned and dragonflyed ponds. Also walking past somewhere called The Black Hole, and walked on a plank walk above the peaty black water and dense vegetation. It is connected with ancient ironworks which used to fill this area. Sussex is very leafy and green these days but in the middle ages was quite industrial. Anton and I went on our dragon hunt walking along the Arun river to St Leonard's forest some years ago. There are theories that the dragon idea came about because simple minded folk would walk into the forest, see gouts of fire through the trees and hear hissing and so on, and leg it thinking they'd encountered a dragon and not a forge.

Trees just beginning to turn, and we walked past chestnut trees laden with nuts.

Then to the aquarium shop, to buy a new aquarium to replace Beth's one, whose filter and lights have packed up. Picked up an entire new tank at a bargain price. Home and a bit of a regroup before plunging out to the Brighton Tavern to celebrate Wayne's birthday. Matt, Jonathan, John and Linda were there too. Wayne already well refreshed when Lorraine and I arrived. Good to see to see Wayne and Matt as usual. A cheery time in the Tavern. I can't think of a time when I don't have a cheery time in the Tavern. Toby called too, on my phone, and this was a welcome surprise. Stood outside chatting to him, in the Laines. Lorraine and I declined Wayne's requests to go on clubbing, as we were both quite bushed.

And so, floating home happily.

Below Burton Mill; the view opposite Burton Mill (particularly enjoying the reflected clouds); chestnut tree (proof, if any were needed, that you only get new chestnuts on this blog); a random shaft of light in the woods; a walkway into The Black Hole; and on the edge of the edge of The Black Hole.
