Banging a tin drum

The bliss of not getting up again this morning. The cats have other ideas, and do their best to rouse us. When I got up, I uploaded Richard's book and worked, while Lorraine simply worked. Then to Sainsburys which is curiously fun with Lorraine. Failing, however, to get myself sorted out for my reading on Thursday. Time is running out and I have a horrible feeling I am about to make more of an arse of myself than is customary.

Much needed snooze in the afternoon. Sainsburys, and a lovely roast supper with Lorraine. Then off to The Tin Drum for their Sunday evening happy hour, to bang on with Anton for an hour or so. He had a good time on a short break in Portugal with the children. Saw various photographs that Klaudia had taken of dolphins and alligators.

Then downhill to Preston Circus, and happily to bed.
