Goodbye to Acton

Zombied off to North Acton this morning, after sleeping the sleep of the dead last night. Luckily an untaxing morning. Took myself one last time to Kitty's to take away one of their pad thai, today sitting next to two policemen as I waited for my food to be ready. The afternoon became steadily more busy, and ended with a now-traditional frenzied requirement to write several radio adverts in an hour.

Met an old colleague Chris who'd come for a late meeting. He said he still used something I'd written about starting sentences with conjunctions like 'and' and 'but' and how it is okay, and he gives it to his junior suits.

Fond farewell to the North Actonites, but in truth couldn't get home fast enough. All I wanted to do is chill out with Lorraine on my gold sofa. Mightily looking forward to the weekend.

Below in the central line.
