Back to Tavistock

Off to London where I am working with my chums in Tavistock Square. Early train allowed me to stroll through London, which I always enjoy.

Brief chat to Pat and Matty boy this morning, and was able to see with my own eyes that the FB was still alive, which was reassuring. Lunchtime stroll with Nicola, and a pleasant day. Left early (for me) and decided to brave the wee Victoria tube line at six. My God, talk about about claustrophobic. Having steadfastly avoided these ghastly tubes during rush hour, after three stops I was literally shaking by the time I reached Victoria station.

Home and preparing salads and healthy stuff for supper.

Below a snap Matty thoughtfully sent of the French Bloke in a dress. Also the poster below was sent me by Claudius. The date is soon, so I had better get my thinking cap on about what to perform without looking a complete doofus.
