Long distance didgeridoo

Thank God off the steroids today although brain is still mushy. I seem to have lots of good ideas but can't get any of them down. Off at lunchtime to meet Anton for a coffee in the Marwood Cafe. Able to sit outside in a little courtyard garden for a while too as it wasn't raining. He had been reading some of the latest draft of The New Idea and had some good suggestions and a few thoughts on the story so far. Excellent to get some feedback, and good to have coffee with Anton, still gloating over his iPad and announcing that he is going paperless.

Bought the audiobook of the Steve Jobs biography by Walter Isaacson to keep abreast of the Zeitgeist. Lots of people are very impressed by Jobs.  Have listened to a few hours of it. On this account I think I would have found him obnoxious, although clearly an incredibly successful businessman. Interesting to follow a thread through California and the IT and business story that I was dimly aware of working for IBM in the 90s in London.

In the evening after we had eaten yet another salad of my preparation, went for a walk around with Lorraine in the park, chatting and smelling the roses and looking at flowers.

Anton gave me two CDs that Christiane had left for me when she had visited. Meditative, conscious Australian music... with didgeridoos! (Or didjeridu as it is spelled on the CD) The CDs were made by her husband Mark and his group called One Tribe. Just splendid and great to meditate to, which I will attempt shortly. The One Tribe healing website is worth squinting at.


Amanda said…
Glad to hear you are off the crazy pills.
Peter Kenny said…
Thank you... They were horrid.