
Back on The New Idea, and benefiting from a break from it with another major ah-ha moment and worked for many hours. I think this is sufficiently a good idea not to be blurting about it yet. Hobbled to Sainsburys to meet Lorraine after work, where I bumped into Adrian Turner over the veggies. L and I trying to buy slim foods. Ate aforementioned slimming foods, but she cooked some chocolate and beetroot brownies tonight to take into a team meeting, and I was undone. Delicious. Rewarded for walk to supermarket with tiresomely painful foot.

Managed to watch football, and listened to a few more chapters of Moby-Dick, which in its slow unfolding becomes increasingly gripping journey into the unknown and mental collapse. I wonder if it was an influence on Conrad when he wrote Heart of Darkness. Must find out.
