Cotton wool day

Snuffling off to London, where my day's work was conducted with a cold-induced cotton wool blur for a brain, and seemed to go on forever. Much of the day spent with Betsy and Anna talking about the brand we are creating for the wound business. The three of us to Plum for lunch, which was as busy and unsmiling as ever. 

My other pharma client told me that more referencing needs to be done. My soul is groaning, and it will have to be done this weekend if it can't be done at night.  Sigh.

Caught the tube with Betsy tonight, who was off to pilates, which, she says, is freaking awesome.  Then on the train listening to podcasts, and have started Dune Messiah as an audiobook. This is convoluted although quite enjoyable in an escapist sort of way. There is something really impressive when an author creates a world in such detail that some of the sentences are almost entirely composed of invented names and concepts, all of which you have been taught to understand. 

Home (after the obligatory half hour delay on the train) and my cold moved into its streaming phase. Spoke to Lorraine who was feeling anxious, and played with Calliope, who was clingy again. I have been using the laser light toy on a keyring to amuse her. She is now addicted to laser spot to the extent that this evening she actually found the keyring, and brought it to me in her mouth. Sometimes I wonder if there isn't a person trapped in my cat's body. 
