The fate of discarded concepts

Up early to write about erection problems for my pharmaceutical client. It is a weird PK fact that I have written on this subject extensively, including a thought piece in European Pharmaceutical Executive some years ago. Even in this short time - thanks to Viagra - the taboo which prevented men from talking about this problem is rapidly losing its force.

At some point I decided to pop out for a well overdue haircut. Near the barber's I bumped into Ken not long back from holiday. He seemed very cheery that he has won a new chunk of his transliteration work - "not bad for almost 78!" After my haircut walking past Anna and Anton's house and Anna walked out with Oskar, who was crying loudly due to being denied cake. I walked with them towards Klaudia's school for a bit, with Oskar taking the exact same route that Klaudia does over a particular wall, before I returned home and got back to work.

Phoned Reuben's agency again, after Reub has been chasing them from the inside, and was told they were writing the cheque now and the cheque was as good as in the post. This agency not the worst but it is galling that you always have to chase payments. Rude is what it is.

Then a shower. My shower is fairly primitive and I stand in the bath and it is more of an enthusiastic dribble. Not blogworthy in itself except these days Calliope tends to join me in it, shaking her paws when they get too wet, and looking at me with an kind of fascinated horror.

The mess in my house multiplies thanks to the kitten. Like most creatives when I am working on concepts I use a pad of thin bleed proof paper. When the concept needs to be redrawn or is rubbish I ball it up and lob it into the bin. Calliope then upsets the bin, and makes off with them in her mouth to seed them in various nests along with the shreds of toilet tissue, cat toys, pencils etc. There are at least two behind my fridge which I cannot reach.

Out with Lorraine tonight. We decided to go for a cheery glass of beer in the Cricketers, and a curry at our usual place. Not done this for a while, and it was fun and we were warmly welcomed. Her son Sam has a new girlfriend which is making him very cheery, which is nice to hear. Home early as we were both tired.
