I resign

Off to my nice chiropractor first thing this morning. Because of the timing of my appointment I had a nasty mug of splosh in a working man's cafe in Chiswick (not many of those), while a man in overalls on the next table made a prank call about delivering horse manure. Then off to walk about in the rain in a leafy Chiswick square with the trees turning. I picked up a couple of conkers under a horse chestnut tree, and these seemed to be a good omen.

The nice chiropractor gave me a good cracking and mostly solved my neck problem. As she worked I started to wonder, a bit madly, what would happen if you were an invertebrate and needed help. And while she was crunching me, and I was reading things upside down from the couch I was diverted by a book on her bookcase called OUCH. Disappointingly it was actually called TOUCH but the way it was typset though the T was part of the design and almost invisible.

Then into the agency. Much to-ing and fro-ing, but nothing had changed since I had refused their offer yesterday, and so - with a bit of a gulp - I resigned from the agency. However, this wasn't accepted, in that they are going to "see what they can do" and get back to me tomorrow. Either way I feel fine about it all. Resigning ended the months of being stalled, being lied to, and being held in limbo, and it makes me feel I have control of my life again, which is excellent.

However I went out in the evening to meet First Matie and her pals Lisa and Peter Love in the Captain's Cabin for a few cheeky beers. Nice to see them all again. And also met Lisa's friend Francis, who told us about going to a cabbage festival in Bratislava. All the cabbage you could ask for apparently, and lots of singing and dancing.

Then the call of the seagull was heard, and I went home on the train and boofed eagerly into bed.

Below a rainy St. Peter's Square in Chiswick.
