Afternoon in Arundel

A slowish start this morning, due to the rather lively Saturday night. But a really nice lazy afternoon.

Lorraine drove us to Arundel for a walk and talk in the country. Lovely to amble near the river in the slanting sunlight of autumn. We reached South Stoke village, and then returned along the winding Arun river to The Black Rabbit pub. Here we sat outside on a table by the river. I drank a pint of badger beer and forked down a hearty plate of roast beef and various veg, Lorraine had a beef and ale pie. Both of us feeling mellow and cheery.

Looking at the river had me struggling to remember this bit in Ode to Autumn by Keats:

Then in a wailful choir the small gnats mourn
Among the river-sallows, borne aloft
Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies;

A quiet evening in, chatting to Mum on the phone and generally feeling mellow and fruitful.


badgerdaddy said…
Blimey, talk about all change... Not necessarily a bad thing though. I know a woman who, when she was a pup, would change something every year - either her boyfriend, job or home. I think doing it that way is a bit cold, but doing things because your instinct tells you to and to seek happiness, well, what could be wrong with that?