Under low-flying jumbos

Up unpleasantly early to travel to Heathrow for 9.10pm to present some work with the Gnome to our airline client. One of the client team is a friend of mine, so it was fairly relaxed. Her new boss though was scowling throughout, and I decided she had the profile of a flea. I had to stifle an involuntary snort at this thought until I could share my observation with the Gnome and our two suits, Kathryn and Lisa, as we walked back to Hatton Cross tube station under the thunder of airliners taking off, and the growl of four lanes of traffic. Katheryn saw a sparrow being run over on the road.

The rest of the day, back in the agency, The Gnome and I hid an empty meeting room, and slogged away on concepts for a pitch which I will have to present next Tuesday. The prospect of working through the weekend was becoming very real. Brilliantly, however we managed to conjure up an idea that everyone liked, which meant suddenly we were ahead of the game, and the weekend was saved.

Spoke to Anton who has now booked lodgings for us on the Dragon walk. His enthusiasm and excitement is very catching. Still no news from the radio people. Radio silence in fact.

Worked a bit late and, full of inertia, had a few beers with a bicker of creatives that were lurking in the bar before the call of the seagull grew strong in me. Very tired at the end of the week, but quite cheerful to be home.


livesbythewoods said…
I saw a pigeon fly smack dab into the front of a huge lorry the other morning. It came out of the hedge (the pigeon) and didn't look both ways, thus careening into the top of the truck, and then spiralling to the ground in a huge cloudburst of feathers.

Apart from the "ugh, poor thing" moment, the thought that came into my head was how much it looked like a downed WW2 fighter, heading for earth.

Still, made a change from pheasants.