Time is on my side

So the big news of the week, I can now talk about. I've negotiating a part time contract at my agency, working the equivalent of three days a week - though this is likely to be cut different ways through the month. Despite there being a policy of no part time in the creative department, they made an exception for me, which my bosses were incredibly generous about.

This gives me the opportunity to more than double energy I can put into my various projects - and put my money where my mouth is in terms of my personal creativity. I feel exhilarated. A while ago I imagined what my life would look like if it were successful, and essentially this is it.

I have time, glorious time, to work on my personal projects, but will earn enough to keep the wolf from the door and also keep me grounded too. Floating off in a writerly world of your own isn't always healthy. I know this because I've tried it. There is nothing romantic about having no money, I tried that too. But this way I can have the time I need without constantly worrying about money.

It was a long week, but one that leaves me very happy, and feeling tremendously optimistic about my future. Of course it is a challenge to myself. I will need results. I predict my blog is going to get pretty lively again soon!


Kate said…
Fantastic news Pete, and much deserved. Project World Domination go go go!
Unknown said…