When I returned to work yesterday I discovered a plot. I find that Hazel, a new young brainiac suit, had a brilliant idea that they should send me to private health clinic for the "Rolls Royce of checkups" so I can write an article about it. Naturally this is inspiring intense hypochondriacal dread. When I explain this to various colleagues they say things like "good, that will add interest to the article" and so on.

Have begun to really enjoy my commute. Bizarre really. Have been re-reading Discourse on Method by Descartes for no good reason. Strikes me reading it for the first time in 25 years just what a strange project his policy of doubting everything was. Like this from Discourse 4:

"... considering that all the same thoughts that we have when we are awake can also come to us when we are asleep, without any one of them then being true, I resolved to pretend that nothing which had ever entered my mind was any more true that the illusions of my dreams."

A tiny bit of snow in the air as I scurried to the station this morning. Once aboard, did some work, outlining a brochure on erection problems, and a few thoughts about female contraception. Quite productive time even though I was half asleep.

When I arrived at Glamoursmith I went again to the back cracker as I am still in continuous pain. The new woman gives me no confidence and seems at a loss what to do to help me. This is a bit depressing. However it was lovely to escape along the river for 40 mins.

Had a link sent to me by Anne Wright, a new Canadian cyber friend. You'll find some excellent pieces of her art work by clicking here. Well worth a visit.
