Three days of commuting and all is well.

Yesterday returned home and went out with Anton to test a few more of the local pubs. In one I got mistaken by two women for a man called Brendan. I replied that Brendan must be a handsome devil but the ladies were both rather drunk and ridiculed me for having a plant growing out of my head. I happened to be sitting with a mother in law's tongue plant behind me. Bah.

Nevertheless had a splendid night with Anton as usual, but it was cut short with being a school night. Enjoyed going to one slightly seedy pub and watching him perch uneasily on a stool eyeing a large dog which settled near his feet.

Work not yet driving me crazy although people are beginning to suggest I do some actual work. An affront which I am of course resisting. Had a brainstorm today about naming a website which will concern itself with erection problems. French Bloke turned up for it and it soon descended into ribaldry and farce.

Trace has organised for me to write another article about taboo, this time for a pharmaceutical magazine. All this good for the ego if nothing else.

After catching an earlish train from Victoria and was back shortly after seven and had a restrained and tea-sipping evening. I did a bit more painting and defrosted some Guernsey Bean Jar which of course was a thing of beauty and a joy forever. After this industry I took another night walk down the twittens to the sea. Twittens is the Brighton name for the kind of alleyway I live on apparently. I wonder if this makes me a twit? Very mild night tonight although windy.

Stood at the end of a breakwater that had a sign saying no diving from this groyne which resonated with today's brainstorm somewhat. Watched the waves slapping into it and the clouds scudding across the moon and found that life was suddenly in some sort of perspective.
