Wetting the baby's head

Lorraine back home this morning. I got up early to do some freelance work in my lounge nest. Chris here working hard. Still very nippy, but it seemed warmer in the back garden when I got there. Lorraine pottering about in and outside, I  helped in the garden (very carefully due to evil back). But I am beginning to walk much more upright again. I did some of my own writing this afternoon too, which was nice. Some prose. 

In the evening Lorraine and I went off to The Old Boot Inn, where we met Yvonne and Brian who were celebrating the birth of their new grandchild Sebastian -- born on the same day as his older brother Jude. As well as Patrick and Adele (who arrived late from her Seaford Cinema committee meeting) we met Brian and Yvonne's pals Rick, Gabby, Guy and Barbara. A hugely jolly evening. Amid the general banter, I had a proper heart to heart with Brian about God and the meaning of life and so on. We are going to go for a walk in the woods and talk next week. Barbara and Guy really friendly. Barbara told me, in front of Patrick, how much she enjoyed arguing with Patrick.  Gabby  -- but was always at the other end of the table from Rick so I did not talk to him, other than to accept his kind offer of a pint of Harveys.  Yvonne much more relaxed than when I had seen her last, now  her new grandson is born and everyone is okay. Lorraine enjoying meeting everyone and having great fun. A lovely night out, and judging by the number of rounds bought, baby Sebastian had a very damp head. 

