Fag ends and mermaid's purses

A rainy morning, which we spent tidying the house. 

Beth came around for the day. I left her and Lorraine deep in conversation and took a long walk, walked west along the coast and then doubled back. Walking on the path just inside the little park of the Salts Recreation ground, just down the road from us, I noticed distinct sea litter on the path, whelk eggs and mermaid's purses. I then continued along to Seaford Head, and lurked in its golf coursed foothills and explored the streets on the Eastern rim of my new town. As I walked I was listening again to the audiobook of The Trees by Percival Everett, which I am enjoying. Just great to get out and stretch my legs a bit.

Home and after a shower, sat with Lorraine and Betty chatting for some time, and prepping a Sunday roast with loads of veggies. Had a nice chat with Beth, as Lorraine needed a power down for a while. Heard about her pal Olivia who knows she is having a baby girl, who is going to be called Margo. Apparently Olivia had a much loved grandmother called Rita that she wants to call a child after. Margo Rita, however sounds like a pizza. Beth is telling Olivia to go with it anyway.

James came over later, and we had a cheery time. Beth made some espresso martini cocktails from a kit Lorraine had been given. I asked after Jame's lovely mum Julie, and he said that he had gone around to see her on Mother's day and given her a hug, and fractured one of her ribs. He is mortified. It does me no credit to say that I laughed, unfortunately, as it was so horrible.

We have a mysterious plague of tiny flies in the kitchen and spreading through the house. When we had some wine with dinner, they were flinging themselves into Beth's wineglass. 

After dinner we repaired to the lounge, and played super mario karts. Hadn't played that in a long time.

Below... Managed to go for a two hour walk and not be rained on. Some fish art by the sea, under Seaford Head, and you know when you live by the sea when there are whelk eggs and mermaid's purses near a cigarette butt on the path.

