Ha, ce n'est pas vrai!

Up at the crack of dawn after a terrible night's sleep. Woke up sweating (my cold is still with me) and having dreamed about atrial fibrillation and stroke. My last atrial fibrillation dream ended with me waking up with Calliope disconcertingly vibrating my chest with her food-encouraging morning purrs.

Nice then to get straight out of bed and work like a mad thing on the atrial fibrillation and stroke website all day. Rushing to meet impossible deadlines. Then at the end of the day asked in to the office tomorrow, meaning the whole process is dragged out and I get to spend hours on the train and an extra £35. Bad news from my French client too. The pitch I'd worked on like a slave through several days of flu was completely wasted time. Only one of the concepts I'd generated was presented (the wrong one) and it was given a paltry one hour in the studio to visualise it. Unsurprisingly we did not win. Why did I bother?

Bob came to stay as he was training solicitors in Brighton today. Had a reviving walk by the sea, and a nice chat. Bob particularly loving the starlings flocking before they settle with a magical synchronisation onto the old pier.

Home to a bowl of rather good bean jar, and eventually we popped into the Batty for a quick beer where we were joined by Lorraine, who was on unusually talkative form about data of all things. I was brain dead and we all pushed off to bed fairly early. Nice to have Lorraine with me on a Wednesday.
