
The dipping scales gradually returning to balance today. Another disturbed night but definitely feeling perkier and less coldy than for some time. Got up and finished the branding work I was doing for the new agency, and then spent quite a while on admin, billing, chasing purchase order numbers and so on. True to form the agency I worked at for seven years are showing few signs of paying without weeks of wrangling: I am not going to work with them again.

Then off to the gym, where I bore up surprisingly well. Felt great to be out of the house. Later I went out again in the overcast night for a walk along the seafront with the lights of Brighton cheerily behind, looking out at a dark sea and listening to the waves crunching into the pebbly shore.

Also picked up The Mind in the Cave again. A fascinating look at paleolithic man. Interesting to think that Neanderthals and homo sapiens rubbed along next to each other in Europe for thousands of years. David Lewis-Williams suggests Neanderthals were dummies whose hunting techniques were of the wandering about scavenging variety while homo sapiens got organised, hunted with method and had a fluent language. Also homo sapiens were the ones who developed art (though I haven't read as far as his description of this yet). I feel sorry for those grunty old Neanderthals who clung on by their fingernails in places like Gibraltar till about 22,000 years ago.

Since The Mind in the Cave was written however there is talk of Neanderthals having contributed to the DNA of modern humans. Look at this on the BBC site. This suggests there was actually some interbreeding of these populations. So maybe those Neanderthals were dumb but sexy.

Spoke to Lorraine, whose house was busy with rehearsals for Wrong, which is good news. For the first show is but a week away. Have replaced Frasier with The Big Bang Theory, Anton having lent me the first three seasons on DVD. A very nicely written series, and very well cast.
