"You know this is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee. I've had I can't tell you how many cups of coffee in my life, and this...this is one of the best."

Perhaps inspired by watching Agent Cooper imbibe coffee with amazed delight (as I watched the first series of Twin Peaks again over the last couple of weeks) I have been taking myself for coffee. In fact my latest short story, Where the beauty is, is mainly set in a cafe.

I went to my new coffee house today, the Caffè Nero on Prince Albert Street near the sea. A change of scene is incredibly good for the brain, especially as one under siege where the forces of snow and gloom combined (it was snowing steadily this morning, but by the evening was melting again).

However with two damn fine cups of coffee I unleashed a couple of mind maps, and a much-needed session of prioritising my various plans and schemes. After this was done, I felt that the tanker of gloom had suddenly come about, and I was back on course.

Home and I had a cheery conversation with Richard who has kindly agreed to put me up, when I visit Guernsey at the end of the month. I booked my Auringy flights. Once over there, apart from talking about poems with Richard, I hope to read poems at the Fermain Tavern, have much needed chats with other Guernsey allies. Richard will also try to get us onto the radio.

Also sliced through a backlog of correspondence, and suddenly feeling much better in the brain department.

Also had a bit of a brainstorm about marketing This concert will fall in love with you. Matt and I are meeting on Saturday, and I'm really looking forward to it.

Below my hero. What a fabulous creation Agent Cooper was. Part Sherlock Holmes, part intuitive mystic.


a said…
Peter Kenny said…
That would have to be a DAMN fine cup of coffee at that price!