Time travelling

A pleasant day. Really enjoying listening to The Time Traveler's Wife which is a wonderful book by Audrey Niffenegger, it is essentially a love story with a time travel element. This throws up interesting perspectives on the nature of love, attachment, and memory. But it is a real page turner, or would be if I wasn't listening to it on my iPod on the train. Wonder what would happen if you sat on the train and mimed turning pages for an hour?

Only light bits and pieces to do at work again today, and went for a pleasant walk and chat with The Gnome to Putney Bridge. And was even able to think about my own writing off and on during the day.

After work I found myself having a few beers (they have just got in the bad Zywiec beers that I sometimes drink with Anton). I'm very fond of this beer, despite its strength, and always enjoy the picture of the gaily prancing Polish boy on the label and think of Anton who was forced by his dad to wear that garb as a boy.

Fascinating chat with Mike who has spent much of his life in the army and is a fascinating source of information on military history. Time travelled through the history talking about the modern soldier's admiration for Erwin Rommel, to the rubbish Polish boots worn by the Brits in the Falkland war.

After Mike left I was chatting to my Iranian friend B, and getting his perspective on what's happening in his country. He said that he thought that Ahmadinejad needed a bomb on his head. He was also describing life in Iran as a non-Muslim (he belongs to the Bahá'í faith) and told me that we wouldn't be able to have the conversation we were having now over there.

After all this, I sloped home listening to my iPod on the train, before buying a Chinese takeaway and slurring happily to Sprinkles for a bit before bed.
