Petrichor on a Sunday afternoon

Sunny at first, with the bloody seagull tapping on the kitchen door again. I leant out of the window and photographed it doing so. But the big thing today was... Rain. Rain at last falling on Seaford this afternoon, and fairly heavily too. We had a garden morning, potting up tomatoes, chilies and so on. 

Lorraine drove some cardboard off to the nearby recycling, and I floated about in the back garden for a few minutes just soaking up (ahem) the experience of rain. Petrichor, I learned recently, is the word for the pleasant smell that accompanies the first rain after long heat. And there was a sense of the garden sighing with relief. The fish pond, which had been making me feel anxious because its level was so low, despite sneaking buckets of water into it, was replenished by a good amount too. 

Was contacted by an old school friend today, Peter Hoibak, out of the blue for the first time in over forty years -- via his wife's linked in account. A pleasant surprise. I guess we are all getting to be of an age when the circle begins to close people no longer working try to remember who they were before careers and so on. 

Decorators coming tomorrow, so Lorraine and I moved things about in the house a bit too, and tidied up. Lorraine cooked a curry this evening. Marvellous it was, the sauce made with fresh tomatoes, ginger and spices. All rather good.  

Below Lorraine and I taking shelter in the greenhouse, a pic which we sent to Toby and Romy, after we got some lovely photos from them... including this one with Gillian, Romy, the Tobster, and Momoyo. And the persistently annoying herring gull -- already a serial intruder and thief -- caught beaking the kitchen doors. The entitlement of this gull is galling.
