Cats on drugs and seagulls in the kitchen

Up and writing fairly early this morning. Lorraine up too, to get ready to go off to her personal trainer. I wrote more of my short story, Kansas. Enjoying writing it a good deal, and it necessitation the learning of some of the history of Kansas, as well as dipping back into Lyrical Ballads by Coleridge and Wordsworth. Broke off to have a cuppa with Keith. and we discussed how the agency world is quite quiet right now, which of course suits me. Then more writing.

Lorraine back, having been worked hard. She went to the shower, I meanwhile began to hear a seagull kerfuffle, and discovered two seagulls polishing off what remained of the cat food in our kitchen. These fiends I shooed out -- they left fairly reluctantly I must say. Later, when Lorraine and I were taking Calliope to the Top Cats at Patcham, they protested at their banishment by shitting on the garden furniture.   

We had lunch and discussed decorators, and then did a meditation session.  And gave Calliope a pre-drive tranquilliser. She was weirdly calm in the car, and looked positively off her gourd at the vets. A new to me vet there. Bloods taken, but Calliope has kidney problems, thyroid problems, possible arthritis and is losing weight. We discussed how her appetite hasn't been great lately, although it is hard to tell with Calliope who has been a finicky cat since day one. She gave her a pill to stimulate her appetite and the dosage of the thyroid medications may have to be altered again.

Once home and de-basketed Calliope soon became starving hungry. She was fed, and fed again then after a quick pop to the supermarket, plagued us for prawns like an addict and was fed again and begging for more with a mad energy. She was eating loads, very strung out and weird. Drugs eh?

A waterlily opening in our pond. The water level is falling dramatically, and we are topping the pond up regularly.
