
Up to London again, working on a few concepts on the train, before turning gratefully to listen to my Graham Greene's The End of the Affair again, or at least I would have if the iPod battery hadn't instantly died. Listened to it on the way home, however. A wonderful book, a tortured mix of God and love, jealousy and bitterness.

Work was pleasant again, and pressed on with bits and pieces quite happily. Had a small walk in Tavistock Square looking at the statue of Mahatma Gandhi with a pigeon resting peacefully on its head.

After work I went down to the Salisbury where I met Mex for a quick drink, as we'd not seen each other for ages. She was detained at work, and this made me realise that the last few times I have met anyone there, they have been late. She was full of news about her new job, which is to do with haut cuisine online, and about social media in particular. So much so that I began to feel a bit of a cyber-yokel. It was good to see her, however, and she seemed on good form.

Tired this evening, and home at 10:30 with Calliope glum and attention-seeking. Ate the comfort food of cheese on toast, and sloped off to bed with the cat following.

Below the Gandhi statue.
