No need to gild the lily

Blazing day in Brighton. Up early to work on book-keeping, a poem, and some business stuff, plus had a damned good back cracking a the the chiropractors. After the bone business, I sat by the sea, supping a coffee, only to quickly return home as it was too bright and hot to concentrate. The beach was also thronging for a Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock.

In the evening off to a night of Finnish poetry. Not every day you can say that. Attendees sat in the top room of a pub and sweltered, as outside was noisy with shouty types returning from slowly lobstering on the beach. Someone had shut all the windows. This Finnish poetry will be the end of me, I thought fantasising about sparkling water. When it was over, a sudden and self defeating urge not to network and not to talk to people surged over me, so I zoomed home early.

Spoke to Mum who has had the staples taken out of her today, which must be something of a relief. I'm up to Edgware again tomorrow.

Below my arum lilies are the floral stars of the Twitten. None has been stolen yet - which is a surprise, though I have seen many folks looking at them covetously.
