Mum is okay

Just heard from Mason that Mum has had her operation and, although still groggy, had phoned him. This all good. She was last on the list for the operations today, and so there was always the lurking fear that her op would be bumped. But all is well - and hopefully now it is all about recovery and getting better.

Mas has loads of correspondence to deal with. So many people want to know how she is. And Mum's old pal Betty Tostevin got in touch with me from Guernsey too, which is nice. She said she would send Mum a little bit of Guernsey, which sounds just the ticket.

Otherwise I found it very hard to concentrate on much else. Spoke to Mas several times, and ended up going for a swim, and then doing filing for hours, which of course was ghastly but practical. Proper brainwork today was out of the question.
