A garden interlude

Up to London, to take some stuff into my glamorous accountant Seana. Fortunately just about to go through the barriers at the station when I realised that I'd left the folder at home.

A lovely day, and quite nice to be out and about, even if it was to just around the corner from my old agency. Dropped the stuff off, and had a good chat with Seana, some of it about accountancy and tax but not enough to give me stabbing head pains.

Then caught the tube up to see Mum and Mas. Mum looking very well indeed much to my relief, and we sat in the back garden admiring the flowers and the dead and brown painted tree next door. The contrast between seeing Mum here to being in hospital was immense. Had an enjoyable night sitting about talking to Mum and Mas, about many and various subjects, and sipping wine. Her hospital stay seems like a bad dream.

My head is buzzing with plans and schemes again, and the sun is out, and Mum seems a hundred times better. All is well.
