Meeting Mark in the Cricketers

Working on French stuff this morning, and all going well. Still enjoying the work, even putting together the PowerPoint presentation. Also painted my door again, scraping off bubbly bits and putting a new coat on inside too. If I had waited passively for long ages for door atoms to spontaneously assemble in the outer darkness and coat themselves with paint, before plunging unharmed through the layers of our atmosphere to land miraculously in my yard, painting this bloody door could not have taken longer.

In the afternoon fairly chilled. General tidying and so on. Amazing how you can tidy up for hours and yet your house looks a smidge messier than it did before you started.

In the evening off to the Cricketers to have a couple of beers with Mark and then slope off for a spot of chop sticking in a nice Chinese restaurant. Great to see him - and as usual he seems to be working very hard. Heard all about the family, and his daughter Melissa who is going to do Philosophy at A level. In my day they didn't have Philosophy at A level and I think it is a dangerous development. We can't have young people thinking for themselves, as they are there simply to decorate the commercial expression of corporations.
