Peace and The Dove

Friday and feeling very cheerful on the train going to work this morning. Had one of those peaceful Buddhist-type revelations: I have everything I need in my life to be happy. It is just a matter of shuffling the proportions, and looking again with gratitude at what I have.

Working hard this morning on various documents and brochures, and then went to lunch with the French Bloke in the Dove, one of my all time favourite pubs. We scarfed a yummy comfort food lunch of sausage and cabbage and potato mash with gravy. Then there were a few pints of London Pride, and some plotting - for the Dove's old bar demands it - and chatting. The FB also telling me about The God Delusion by Dawkins, which I am going to download.

Looking at the carved bit of Portland stone on the fireplace which had to be rebuilt after the war thanks to the effects of time and "Mr Hitler". The carving is of a dove with an olive branch in its beak and the ark on the horizon. I love that image. The Biblical dove image lay behind my poem about my friend Tim that I wrote shortly after he died of aids, which goes:

After death, at dawn
I.M. Timothy Gallagher& Rosa Neary Dos Santos

Her arms encompass your chest
Your slack ribs the beached remnants
Of a vessel abandoned.

Perhaps you blunder dove-like
Not thinking of this far ark

Because you seek the undrowned;
The olive on a sparse mountain.

Sunless, the flooded morning
Your wife sobs in. God stop her.
Make her dream of olive leaves.

Returned to work in good time, and wrote a bit more copy. Left five minutes early passing as I did a meeting about how my workload would be managed. Eschewed more beers after work, in favour of zooming home to Brighton, and heading off for some tasty Thai food on Preston Street with Lorraine.
