Urgh. Another slogathon all day and me and the Gnome under a good deal of pressure. I also had to break off in the afternoon to present to the all-agency meeting, about the last pitch I won. Naturally revelled in blowing my own trumpet. Played it for comedy with a random monologue about pies. This went down well, so I was momentarily big and clever again.

Left work late and got back to Brighton at 10pm. Reading a book about the flora and fauna of Britain illustrated by photos which I bought for a fiver. Interesting and strangely soothing especially when read in conjunction with the Real Middle Earth book, which Anton is coveting.

Met Anton, and a couple of his babyfather compadres (who are all are handily named Nick apart from the one called Rick) in the Lord Nelson. They had been wetting the baby's head. I was braindead by then but I had a fast beer with them, and a conversation about cars, before returning home to catch up on sorely-needed sleep.
