Absolutely exhausted this morning. Discovered that I was very dehydrated when I got to work, and once that was fixed felt quite a bit better. Utter slog till 4:40 when I snuck out for a swim which woke me up somewhat.

Children about the agency today. It being Easter and there was some sort of egg hunt. Max the Mentor brought in her two bairns. Her daughter Robin, about 7, said pointing at me "That man's got a big head. It's a funny shape." I said it was big because of the brains and that I was the cleverest man in the world. This she cunningly refuted by asking me what country she was studying at school. Even her teachers (who were making her study India) were cleverer than me apparently. Made me miss Kate quite badly.

Air of release and joviality in the Galley after work and I travelled into Soho to see my old work posse. We went to the Dehli Brassiere in a tiny room walled with mirrors. Nasty to have to look at onself guzzling curry, but the reflections locate you in strange space. As below... Lovely to see them all.
