One great thing about having bad times is that it reminds me just how incredibly lucky I am in the friends department. Had a surprising amount of supportive phone calls, emails and so on today.

Feeling somewhat coldy but a swim made me feel significantly better.

Out in Brighton later with Anton for drinks. He naturally suggested that salvation lay in retail therapy personally just having bought a Tilley hat, which is naturally the best of all walking hats. This now puts his ratio of hiking purchases to actual hikes at something like 15:1.

Had a large pizza, and a free bottle of wine that Anton had a voucher for. The Tipping Point has a name for the Antons of this world. They are "Mavens", people who know everything about shopping and researching things. They are very useful apparently.

Later ended up in a pub called The Pond where china pots hang from the ceiling. We discovered people keening some Irish music in a corner, which was pleasant. Home and a blast of the Arctic Monkeys which Anton lent me -- and then slumped into bed.
