Toby in Seaford

So a Toby themed day. He had a good rest overnight in the guest bedroom. Luckily the work next door is virtually complete so there was no workmen hammering things at 8am and he was able to rest properly.  We three spent much of the day sitting in the garden chatting, and catching up on lots of news. Lorraine gave him a guided tour of all the assorted vegetables growing in the garden. Lorraine with us chatting and knitting, and then melting away to prepare healthy snacks and food. Toby Taking photos of the strange puffy clouds in the sky, and silhouettes of the palm trees in the garden.

Was contacted about some work this week by my Chiswick chums, but I turned this down.

In the afternoon Toby and I went on a longish walk much of it along the seafront. I snapped Toby below. Gillian having recently given him lessons in how to have your photograph taken, and he looks splendid in this one.
