Friday at last

I spelt fairly well again last night, sleeping most of the night for the first time in a couple of weeks. It is Friday... Keith and I finished one job with Pat and the French Bloke, and Perky today, and will be doing another next week. Everything went well however, and people pleased with what had been done. Lovely to be working with such old pals.

Very drained by the end of the day.  After work Lorraine -- who had been heroically sorting stuff out in the house all day, and I hurried off to Trawlers to meet Yvonne and Brian where we had a meal of very nice fish and chips again, but this time with a bottle of beer. Really enjoyed seeing them, and after we paid (some confusion here as I paid for everything and Yvonne assumed I had just paid for Lorraine and I and gave the man some cash who gladly accepted it as a humongous tip. 

We walked back to our place, with a woman opening a door of the pub to kiss Brian through it. Brian (and I) were quite tempted to go in, as it looked very lively. But instead we sloped home to have a squint at the house, and enjoyed some wine with them. They considerately left fairly early, seeing as their dog was left on its own... and also I suspected they saw how shattered we were. Yvonne and Brian, along with Patrick and Adele have made us feel extremely welcome in Seaford. 

Lorraine and I tired but very happy at the end of the day.

