Handle spiders

Up fairly early and taking bags of garden litter to the tip in Hove. Lorraine carefully spreading sheets inside her Qashqai, and looking with horror at a colony of tan coloured baby spiders that had appeared around the handle of the rear door.  Once this drippy bag stuff done (in the rain) off to Waitrose looking like bin men, and bought stuff in preparation for this evening's night in. Strange how much fun doing stuff like this with Lorraine can be.

In the evening Rosie and INnis came around, and we watched the Eurovision Song Contest, and drank some drinks and picked at lots of finger food. Eurovision not something I have watched much in recent years. The usual mix of camp, histrionic guff,  and a few earworms including the bouncy Israeli winner who duked it out with the Cyprus entry. The UK song was only moderately bad, but was voted down anyway because it is from the UK. Even a stage invasion by some fool shouting about Press Nazis wasn't enough to create sympathy among the European voters of Australia etc.

A cheery night.
