A fresh start

Offer accepted on the new property, at a price we are very happy with. The location is not too far from the house we were about to buy, and its denizens want to move fast. Also it is number 11, the same as my wee house in the Twitten. Clearly a good omen.

Then with some relief I phoned the long-suffering agents of the spirit-channeling woman who is no nearer to making a decision than she was three months ago to tell them we were out of the deal. I almost feel sorry for her, despite the stress she has put us through. But I should have listened to my instincts, which were telling me right away that this house was not going to work out. In contrast, I have a gut feel that the new house will proceed, and that Lorraine and I will be happy there.One thing is sure, we have visited dozens of Brighton properties over the last few months - so we know exactly what is available and how much it should cost.

Meanwhile doing agency work to 'jazz up' (their phrase) some eyewateringly dull names for sessions in a global marketing conference. Then to Sainsbury's where I bought the still-ailing Betty a pizza, and lots of fruit and some shaving foam, not to mention economy prawns for Princess Calliope. Check out lady: You love your prawns, don't you. Agreeing was easier than explaining we feed most of them to my spoiled weasel.

Then I sought more roofers. A slightly desperate roofer is booked to turn up tomorrow. I hope so. I also viewed an absolutely bloody final house this afternoon. The estate agent didn't turn up, but the owner showed me around. But only after her neighbour came out to eye me suspiciously as I hung about outside.

At the end of the day, I actually made some time to think through The Nightwork launch in Lewes tomorrow night. A note from Robin to say that she had received an email from a German tourist firm asking if they could bring 42 students to our London Launch in the poetry cafe. "I think I put her off," said Robin.

Lorraine working downstairs till gone ten poor thing, then we sat with Betty and L and I had a rather exhausted glass of wine to celebrate.

Look at this fab picture of a noble and bardic Richard that Jane took for Richard's blog.
