
Able to write again on the train this morning, which was something of a boon. A pleasant, if unremarkable, day in Tavistock Square mainly doing conceptual work.  Felt less exhausted too.

Homeward and I soon began to loathe all my poems and other stuff I have on my computer. Having the ability to loathe your own work is important. However these moods are not to be taken too seriously. As are the moments when I am convinced of my own brilliance. In my experience, self doubt is had in abundance by all the wrong people I think.

Straight from the train down to the Komedia where I met Lorraine and Dawn. We went to see The Staves. Lorraine has their album and has been playing it lots, alongside her Mumford & Sons albums. These are three singing sisters, plus two guys on bass and drums. I have to say I really enjoyed their folk-inflected songs, and their harmonies were syrupy and delicious. They were supported by a young singer guitarist called Luke Sital-Singh. He had a truly lovely voice, but his songs were all in a  maudlin mood and tempo. The only break in this coming when he sang a song without the use of microphone, so that nobody could hear him at the back. Needless to say, Lorraine, who loves music to open a vein by, scooped up one of his CDs and spoke to him in what she said was a motherly way.

Good to be out and deciding that Tuesday is the new Friday. I had a couple of beers, but as I'd not eaten kept things restrained. I had a hankering for Ace pizza on the way home, but gallingly I told Lorraine a month or so ago to enforce a veto on my Ace Pizza fetish, and she sternly enforced this.

Below two of the three Staves. Lovely harmonies.
