Pre-Christmas spree

Slow start to the day. Both Lorraine and I completely exhausted. Lorraine fighting off a cold, and me feeling worn out and ancient after weeks of antibiotics for my prostrate infection, which is fighting a stubborn resistance.

However a really cheery day. Lurking in bed for hours in the morning, Lorraine reading the new poems in bed, and to my relief liking them.

Off to town today. I called in to the Twitten to discuss showers with Gary, and met Sophie again, with whom he is buying a house. Then off on a shopping spree with Lorraine. Bought a present for Betty, who is 21 this week, and then focused entirely on myself buying loads of clothes. Great to have Lorraine with me, egging me on, and providing a second opinion, and the odd aghast face when I emerged from a changing room with raspberry coloured trousers. I have been feeling increasingly shabby as the year has gone on, so great to be able to afford new trousers, teeshirts, shirts, a warm jacket (to replace the coat Brian ruined by spraying on), and a nice grey hoody. About to embark on a cull of tatty stuff with holes.

We saw an ultra-cool Japanese girl out with her buddies, wearing thick rimmed black glasses, with little chains hanging down suspending a miniature moustache above her top lip.

Enjoyed stopping for coffee and muffins, and then catching the bus home, taking the snap below from the front of the top deck of some Christmas decorations which were put up recently.

After working on cat worms lately, decided that our cats needed worming. Calliope steadfastly starving instead of eating food with worm pills ground into it though. She is a cat with a clear idea of what should be happening to her, and eating worm pills is not on the agenda.

Evening spent lurking about at home. I was yawning my head off by 8 o'clock. Managed to stay awake long enough to watch Match of the Day before bed. Chelsea lost, peskily enough.
