
Kate and I off to Billies. Much putting the world to rights over big platefuls of breakfast hash and cups of tea. Kate's life is beginning to settle down a bit lately, and change for the better. Then for a walk along the seafront and the pier looking at the hundreds of pieces of timber from the wreckage of the Ice Prince that were washed ashore. Then we bumped into a friend of Kate's who told us his carpenter mate had been out at the crack of dawn to try to take some of the "woodslick" away, but the police had prevented it.

Then to the Royal Pavilion. Third time for me, but I absolutely love the place. Looking with special interest at the dragons and the various chinoiserie monsters lurking about the place, and noticed moth patterns on the windows of the Music room, feeding many of my current preoccupations and so seeming extremely significant. Kate really liked the Pavilion.

In the afternoon we then went for cups of tea with Reuben and Claire, Claire's sister Debbie, and the three boys. Reuben, Kate and I were very overdue a Copy Shop Reunion - and, after last night, quite nice to have one where nice cups of typhoo tea replaced gin and tonic (aka copy shop lemonades). Reuben and Claire looking exceedingly well, and the boys all adorable. Whenever I think of a good marriage I think of Reuben and Claire, they are such lovely people and so brilliantly suited.

Then it was time for us to leave, and Kate to zoom back up to the smoke. And for me a quiet night in for me watching, rather enjoyably, Aliens and Predators slaughtering one another, and chatting to Lorraine and Sophie, who is threatening a lightning visit to Brighton during the week.

Below some of the woodslick.


Kate said…
I heartily enjoyed the whole weekend. Thanks for putting me up!