Making visible, Siamese fighters, and rhubarb

Off today up to the smoke to my old agency, for what proved to be a short and sweet briefing. As usual felt a little odd to walk through the graveyard toward the office. But nice to chat to the Gnome and a few other chums.

Enjoyed the train ride, as it travelled by lots of flooded fields after heavy rain.

Reading Paul Klee's diaries at the moment, and it is inspiring me. One of the things he said I really like, which is in his Credo, and not in the diaries is that "Art does not reproduce the visible; rather, it makes visible." I'd like to think the best of my poems does this too.

Have been working on a poem about Siamese fighting fish over the last couple of days. Yet again it makes me wonder how I wrote anything without the Internet. Having kept these fish in the past, I was trying to confirm that they flared their gill covers when threatened. But all you have to do is biff onto You Tube and there you have several films of them fighting and displaying. I was remembering placing a mirror next to a tank with a Siamese fighter in it, and watching how it tries to attack its reflection. Writing this has made me want to have an aquarium again.

Apart from this, life has been quiet and enjoyable. Although, unbelievably, my humbug virus is trying to stage a comeback.

Cooked rhubarb yesterday, baked with honey and orange juice. Very simple but very yummy.

Below a male betta splendens, or Siamese fighting fish.
