Having cunningly hidden my train pass from myself this morning, I missed my train. Late, at Victoria, I caught a bus to Oxford Circus. I noticed that I was the only person upstairs for most of the journey, while the top decks of buses I passed looked empty too. It seems that since the bus bombs were both detonated upstairs people have tended to sit on the lower deck.

Went into The Mill to see how the "on-line" edit of the advert was getting on. Called on to contribute a nod or shrug every half an hour or so as Sam and the editor did things that I didn't understand. Instead I sat on the comfy sofas and took the opportunity to drink coffee and talk to Sandra, who is a mine of information about making television.

Back to Glamoursmith to discover the poem I wrote for the Cancer pack at work was considered too long and complicated.

A low profile tonight, speaking briefly to Mum and then to MJ. Told them both the a joke I'd heard on a children's programme on the radio yesterday...
Q: Why are pirates called "pirates"?
A: Because they ARRRRRH!
Mum didn't think it was funny and MJ couldn't understand my accent. I think was the most enjoyable joke since the excellent Matty phoned me with this the other week...

Two chimpanzees climb into a bath. The first one goes...(cue wild chimpanzee shrieking and hooting). Chimp 2: "Well I did mention it was rather hot..."
Laughing at how MJ and Weezer are tormenting one another over poor Louie by posting messages to his photo on this site.

Alarmed that MJ and Anton are increasingly alike. Already I have recieved detailed verbal instructions from MJ about her birthday and what must be bought and done. Must be a Virgo thing. As their birthdays are so close will be interesting to watch events unfold in early September with MJ up against Anton's Only Child Birthday Month.


Anonymous said…
Eh? I don't get the pirate joke either. Must be the way you tell it.