No flow

I got up early and went to my desk. I am not in a flow state. When I am, I can look up and realise an hour or several has evaporated. With Lorraine away, and nothing pressing to do, I have the perfect few days for writing. My focus and enthusiasm is lacking, but I went through the motions and made a small improvement to one poem.  

I missed Lorraine, who is staying in Ashford and busy helping Pat and Maureen get ready for their move.  For years I was perfectly happy in my own company, but now not having Lorraine around feels weird and unnatural. I have been brainwashed. Lorraine says she spoke to the jewellers who were aghast that the stone had fallen out of her new ring that I'd bought her as a belated birthday present, and to bring it back. 

I went for a longish walk this afternoon, which helped my general antsy feeling. The beautiful weather meant there were a few more people there. A large group of south asian folks near the bottom of Edinburgh road, appeared to brought their own caterers, with a barbecue stand with sizzling meats, and a drinks stand for the party. A crowd of hopeful herring gulls overhead. As I walked along I began noticing gull/human interactions, with the gulls hanging about, and trying to gatecrash the three our four big parties on the stones.  

Anton sent me a photo of a French beer.  

Home, and a bit of listless reading. Made spaghetti. Felt bored. Took myself to the Welly for a single beer, but didn't enjoy it much. I also began to get the idea that I had left a window open. Home, the window was closed. I watched a bit of footie, a bit of a depressing documentary about Billie Holliday, spoke to Lorriane and then climbed up to bed shepherded by the cats. 


Shannon Mackle said…
1) Win back the lost loved one
2) Stop divorce.
3) Save marriage/relationship
4) Getting ex-boyfriend back
5) Resolve relationship/marital issues
6) Reclaim Soulmate.
7) Make Ex run after you
8) Return/reunite with Ex
9) Win back my love
10) Make your ex-husband/wife yours forever

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