Newhaven with Reuben

Up and writing early, breaking off to make breakfast as usual for us. Then off at noon to Newhaven where I met Reuben. Great to see him as we'd not met up for ages. Spent the next few hours wandering along the riverside to the harbour watching a herring gull attacking a crab, and lurking in the town, where we found a cafe in a little precinct and had a scone and a cup of tea each. In the precinct was some benches with four men sitting on them drinking booze out of cans. They would, I expect, have rather have been in the pub if they could have afforded it. 

I am pleased we went there as I still don't know Newhaven that well. Reuben had read about an initiative to introduce colourful murals. Newhaven is a place that could stand a bit of cheering up, there is definitely deprivation there, despite the fact it could be quite picturesque if someone threw some love and money at it.

Mainly brilliant just to be chatting with Reuben, catching up with his news about his family and work and so on. He was a bit shaken by the sudden death of a friend, but otherwise in good spirits and Clare and his family are doing well. Reuben is like one like one of those triangulation points on the top of hills, having worked so closely with him for a few years and it is great to meet up with and reorientate myself.

We stood chatting on the footbridge at Newhaven Town station, and then after a fond farewell went our separate ways as the trains came. 

Home and a cheery afternoon and evening. Lorraine benefiting from being at home all day today, pottering about and feeling settled, finishing sewing jobs. I spoke to Mum, and then we spent some time tidying rooms and so on. Lorraine then cooked a fabulous lentil and chicken curry -- very healthy and delicious. 

Below. Reuben x2.
