Over the line

Feeling slightly under the weather still without being sure what ails me. Uploaded the podcast today, a day late, after Robin had made some final tweaks. Generally quite happy with the episode however. A late night email from Rory Waterman, the poet I spoke to, thanking Robin and I. 

A bit of other time spent making some tweaks to my latest horror story. Not quite settled on the name for it yet, probably What's inside. I just need to increase the horror quotient in it, as some of the dialogue is quite funny.

Lorraine did story time, then made off to spend the afternoon with Rosie, and also pick up her birthday ring from the jewellers. 

Spoke to Mum at lunchtime, then later went for a walk this afternoon. Feeling a bit tired and achey, but it was a bright fresh day, despite being very chilly compared to recent years. This evening in London a reunion of folks from my old agency, which I swerved. Although there are lots of people there I like, even if I had been full of energy, the more I had thought about it, the less I wanted to go.  

Home and then made off to the Boot, a quick drink with Steve and soon joined by Lorraine and Beth. Steve had been invigilating again, and sighing at a kid who wrote their name, then simply slept through the exam and had to be waken up afterwards.

Beth, Lorraine and I went to Spice Village, and had a lovely meal. Really enjoyed this, like old times hanging out with Betty on a Friday night. Then we sloped home. I was dead beat and fell asleep on the sofa before Lorraine shepherded me upstairs.

Lorraine and Beth in the restaurant.
